Dear Patients,
Our GP Family practice telephone lines have been extremely busy lately and it is our priority to improve our reachability. In addition to more staff, one of the changes coming into effect this April to make the process quicker and more streamlined, is an updated telephone menu option. This includes the option to request a repeat prescription by leaving a voice message on our dedicated voicemail. It is still preferable to use the webform on our website but if you are unable to use the webform you can leave us a voicemail which will be listened to and processed as soon as possible. This way, you won’t need to wait on the telephone line for an available assistant to fill your prescription request.
Additionally, we urge you to file all administrative requests via our general email address This includes requesting medical results, cancelling appointments, updating your personal details, etc.
Our GP Family practice telephone opening hours are from 08:00-11:00 and from 11:30 to 16:00. Our emergency line for life threatening conditions remains open throughout the day from 08:00-17:00.
We hope that by implementing all these changes we are able to lessen the strain on the telephone line and medical assistants.
We thank you for your patience and understanding!
Kind Regards,
GP Family Practice team
International Health Centre the Hague