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Dear Patients,

Our GP Family practice telephone lines have been extremely busy lately and it is our priority to improve our reachability. In addition to more staff, one of the changes coming into effect this April to make the process quicker and more streamlined, is an updated telephone menu option. This includes the option to request a repeat prescription by leaving a voice message on our dedicated voicemail. It is still preferable to use the webform on our website but if you are unable to use the webform you can leave us a voicemail which will be listened to and processed as soon as possible. This way, you won’t need to wait on the telephone line for an available assistant to fill your prescription request.

Additionally, we urge you to file all administrative requests via our general email address This includes requesting medical results, cancelling appointments, updating your personal details, etc.

Our GP Family practice telephone opening hours are from 08:00-11:00 and from 11:30 to 16:00. Our emergency line for life threatening conditions remains open throughout the day from 08:00-17:00.

We hope that by implementing all these changes we are able to lessen the strain on the telephone line and medical assistants.

We thank you for your patience and understanding!

Kind Regards,

GP Family Practice team

International Health Centre the Hague





A healthy mouth and a healthy body go hand in hand. At the IHCH dental clinic we recognize that preventing dental issues is the best way to achieve great oral health in the first place! That is why we now offer dental prevention appointments with a dental prevention specialist. 
But what is preventive dentistry?
In short, it is the practice of caring for your gums and teeth to keep them healthy. It emphasizes the importance of daily practices and ongoing hygiene procedures to prevent dental problems. By practicing good oral hygiene at home and seeing your hygienist/preventive assistant regularly, you can help keep your gums healthy for a lifetime.

Maintaining oral health is important, and a focus on preventive dental care and the advice of your dentist, can help you stay happy and healthy.

A preventive dental visit can include the following: 

  • A professional who will talk to you about medically approved products for dental care. Moreover, they always give additional information such as the right technique to clean your teeth and mouth, and a proper diet to follow.
  • Performing a dental plaque color test.
  • Measuring the condition of the gums.
  • Removal of plaque and tartar above the gums in deeper pockets.
  • Polishing the teeth.
  • Applying dental protective agents, such as fluoride, sealants for children.
  • Giving oral hygiene instructions and education about proper dental care, such as the use of toothpicks, brushes and mouthwashes.

To book a dental appointment, please call (070) 306 5100 and select the Dental Care Department. For information please email us at


With a new kind of orthodontic treatment it is no longer necessary to wear braces. Does that sound interesting? It gets even better: the aligners are almost invisible and very comfortable.


The invisible aligners are used for both esthetic and/or functional results. You will wear them 20-22 hours per day and you only remove them when you eat. Every two weeks you change the aligners and during the treatment people will start noticing your changing smile. The treatment is specially indicated for teenagers and adults. We will still refer children to the orthodontist because for them braces are still the best option.

To book a dental appointment, please call (070) 306 5100 and select the Dental Care Department. For information please email us at 


Snoring? Waking up not feeling like you’ve slept at all? Struggling to stay awake during meetings in the day? These kind of symptoms are common with a condition call Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea is a breathing condition that prevents you getting deep nourishing sleep, so your body is craving it constantly.

Sleep intake
In our Sleep diagnostic department, we will conduct a thorough sleep intake as well as a physical examination of your upper airway structures. We have the means for in-depth sleep diagnostic tests in order to determine the severity of your issue. Once you are diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, our sleep diagnostic team will explain all the various ways in which your condition can be treated.

Treating your sleep apnea can mean feeling years younger, help with losing weight, improving your memory, concentration and motivation and improve your mood substantially. Untreated sleep apnea has many complications including increasing your risk or cardiac disease, cognitive function, diabetes and depression.

To book an appointment with our sleep diagnostic department, please call (070) 306 5100 and select the Polyclinic. For information please email us at



The Dutch Government implements the Covid-19 vaccination schedule and strategy, including booster vaccinations.

If you are in the high risk category you’ll likely receive an invitation by letter or email. If you don’t receive an invitation you can still get vaccinated by visiting or call 0800 7070. There are many locations where you can get vaccinated without making an appointment. Go to the website to find out where. There is no need to contact your medical specialist or GP. 

If you are staying in the Netherlands temporarily, you may also be eligible for a Covid-19 vaccination. Please follow this link for more information.

*Please note that the IHCH Polyclinic Specialist Care (Medical Specialists) is not a GP Practice and therefore will not be administering Covid-19 vaccines. 

More information on Covid-19 vaccines, including leaflets about testing and FAQ can be found on the following websites:


You may have noticed what looks like a vending machine in the small garden around the corner from our main entrance. We know it may not always be possible for you to make it to our pharmacy during our opening times, hence the Pharmaself24 machine. This device is open 24/7, so you can access your prescribed medicine/s at any time. It can be reached via the facade of our building, in the small garden, around the corner from the main entrance.

As soon as your medicines are ready, you will receive a confirmation and pick-up code via email or text message.

How does it work?

As soon as your medicines are ready, we will put them in this dispenser. Immediately afterwards, an email or text message is sent to the customer. This email contains a numeric code that you use to remove the medication from the device. The device has a touchscreen. At the top left you will find the button ‘language’ so that you can change the language to English.

In addition to the code you received by email, the device also asks for the first digits of your date of birth. If you are born on the 4th of July 1966 for example, you have to fill in 0407.

Please ensure we have have your correct email address and telephone number so that you can receive this code. Unfortunately not all medicines are suitable to be dispensed via the Pharmaself24. You will be notified by the pharmacy to pick these up during our opening times at the pharmacy itself if this is the case.

For questions, please contact the pharmacy on 070 306 5122, and they will be happy to assist you.


The Well Child Centre caters for the unique needs of expat parents and their children. We offer periodic growth & development checks with the opportunity for further evaluation if abnormalities are detected. During these checks, we also discuss (additional) vaccinations and make individual vaccination planning adjusted to the needs of the child. We accommodate your concerns regarding safety, development, sleep, toilet training and behaviour, to name a few.

It is run by paediatricians and nursing staff from the IHCH paediatric department. Our medical staff are multi-lingual with international background. We understand the expectations and issues of expats living in the Netherlands.

You are welcome to call us anytime from 09:00am to 12:30pm and 13:30pm to 16:00pm, Monday through Friday at 070- 306 51 42 for more information and for booking an appointment.

Interested? You can find more information on Well Child Centre 


The ever evolving field of medical technology, especially with regards to early cancer detection, is helping us get closer to the goal of reducing cancer mortality rate. One of these technologies helping us with early skin cancer detection, when the majority of cases are still completely curable, is called mole-mapping. Our dermatologist Dr Houtappel explains “One of the challenges with skin cancer is early detection. Many of us have moles or skin lesions, and although we may check them from time to time, we can’t accurately remember what their exact size, shape or colour was a few months ago, let alone a year ago. Fortunately with technological advances in high-resolution cameras we have found a great solution. It is quick, easy, and completely painless and can help detect cancerous moles that are evolving slowly enough that could go unnoticed.

Here are 5 reasons to get started with mole-mapping:

  1. Mole mapping keeps high-resolution images of your moles, and therefore new, changing or growing ones can be identified much earlier than by relying on your or your doctor’s memory.
  2. The computer-assisted camera flags suspicious moles, which can then be magnified to determine whether it looks cancerous.
  3. Mole-mapping can reduce the risk of unnecessarily removing a healthy mole, because the magnified camera and change tracking over time can help determine whether that mole is indeed healthy.
  4. If you move country, change doctors, or simply would like to check for yourself what your moles looked like at your last appointment, you will be given all the photos on a USB stick to take with you to your next dermatologist or mole mapping facility.
  5. Mole-mapping is completely painless and still ensures that your dermatologist can focus on moles that look suspicious.


How often do you need to get your moles checked?

We recommend once per year if no suspicious moles were identified at your last check. For suspicious moles, we advise you to get them checked after 3-6 months.

Is mole mapping for everyone?

Mole mapping is particularly suitable if you have an increased risk of skin cancer, defined as:

–          Multiple moles (50 or more) or large moles

–          Personal or family history of skin cancer

–          Pale skin that burns easily in the sun

–          History of severe sunburns or a lot of sun exposure

–          A suppressed immune system 


If you have questions about mole-mapping, or would like to book an appointment, please email our Polyclinic at or call 070 306 5100 and select the option for the Polyclinic.

Get in touch

Copyright by International Health Centre the Hague 2023. All rights reserved.